Thursday, April 14, 2011

Roley Poley Baby

Reagan has been rolling over for weeks. Front to back. Back to front. A skill we have been working on for several months, now. For weeks we have been going to therapy every day. And every day I've told her therapists that she is indeed rolling over at home. And every day they look at me like I'm crazy. So they have continued to practice rolling and accomplishing nothing but pissing Reagan off.

Yesterday we head to therapy, dreading the horrible rolling session at the end of therapy. When all of a sudden...Reagan rolled over! Twice! Hallelujah!! Now do you believe me? Her therapist looked so suprised and said "she finally did it!" What the hell do you mean "finally"? I've been telling you for weeks that she can do it. Now can we please move on to a skill she really needs help with, say, sitting for example?

Reagan mastered another skill yesterday. We've been trying to get her to transfer a toy from one hand to the other for a while and she did it three times yesterday! I'm so excited! It seems as if she has been making progress by leaps and bounds lately. She now picks up toys from the floor. We're still working on a lot of things, but I'm so happy with her progress! She is amazing!

Did I mention that she army crawled? Yes, she did. She did it the day that A passed away. Just a few hours later, as a matter of fact. A friend of ours said that A went to God when she got to Heaven and told Him that it meant a lot to me for Reagan to make progress and asked if He would allow it and He did. That warmed my heart. It may have not happened that way, but I'd like to think it did. A loved Reagan so much and I could see her doing something like that.

So here's where we stand at this point. Making tons of progress, but still pretty far behind. But...she is happy and I think she knows she is loved. What else matters?

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