Saturday, February 19, 2011

Doctor's Appointments Suck

Reagan had her metabolic clinic yesterday. This is when she sees the doctor that follows her NKH. Everything started out fine. Weight? 55th percentile. Length? 60th percentile. Vitals? All normal. On with the check up. Reagan was such a good girl, as always. She never minds going to the doctor. She was quiet and content while Dr. Nickels did his exam and told me that everything was looking good. Keep up the good work. Next came the dreaded blood work. It's never easy to get blood from Reagan. Two phlebotomists, two NICU nurses, four sticks, multiple bruises, and one crying baby blood. On a normal basis, I would have made them stop at two sticks. But it is so important that we monitor her glycine levels closely. That is how we adjust her medicine. So now we have to go back next week to try again. I'm not looking forward to it.

On a lighter note, we had pictures made today! Just me and Reagan. I feel like we got some really good shots and Reagan was so cooperative. I can't wait to see how the pics turn out. It's going to be a long two weeks until they're ready.

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