Thursday, March 10, 2011


I can't sleep. Which doesn't make sense because I'm exhausted. It happens to me a lot. Sometimes I can't turn my mind off. It's like a constant roar of noise and erratic thoughts in my head. It is so frustrating. Sometimes it's because of crazy dreams. Tonight, that's the culprit.

I dreamed that my cousin asked to borrow $20. I needed to get ready for work so I gave her my debit card and car keys and told her to go get it while I took a shower. While she was gone she spent $400K on a satellite bill and fell in love with a four foot tall cowboy with a mullet. She let mullet man drive my car and he proceeded to total it. Needless to say, I was upset when she returned.

Then I dreamed that my dad and I took a road trip to Nashville to kidnap Goldie Hawn because she stole my iPod and, by hell, we were getting it back! Along the way we stopped at an old gas station and I stole a peanut butter and jelly sandwich from a little girl.

I guess I choose a life of crime in my sleep. I'd almost be afraid to have someone analyze my dreams. I'm afraid of what they'd come up with! LOL

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