Friday, March 25, 2011

My Best Friend {Y3W}

Life can change in an instant. In the twinkling of an eye the life you know can be changed or gone forever.

My best friend, A texted me yesterday morning and asked me to pray for her...she needed guidance. I told her I would and that I loved her as I rushed out the door to a doctor's appointment. She texted me back and said that she loved me too. A few hours later I got another text from her that said she loved me like a sister. I had told myself all day that I would call her as soon as she had time to get home from work. I went on with my day thinking of her several times and hoping she was okay.

My afternoon got away from me. I fell asleep when Reagan took her nap and when I woke up I realized it was too late to call A. It's okay. I'll call her in the morning. I fixed supper, visited with my mother in law and, before I knew it, it was time to put Reagan to bed. As I was tucking her in I heard my cell phone ring. "It can't be too important. I'll call them back." I finished putting Reagan to bed and then went and checked my phone. It was a lady from church. I cheerfully called her back and as soon as I heard her voice I knew something was wrong.

"Have you talked to A?" I hadn't. Not since our brief text session this morning. There had been a fire. A was severely burned. I ran out the door as soon as I was sure she was at the local hospital. When I got there, her aunt came out the ER doors. I asked her how A was doing. "It's bad."

A's aunt is a nurse. A seasoned one at that. To hear those two's bad...coming from her struck fear into my heart. I was briefly allowed to see A before she was airlifted to a burn unit in Nashville. I'll never forget that moment. I stood there looking at my dear friend, badly burned, praying...Lord, please don't let this be my last image of her. I told her I loved her, even though she was unconscious and then stepped aside as paramedics took her to a near by air plane bound for Nashville.

Conversations I've had with A keep replaying over and over in my head. She has a 5 month old son. She had told me that she didn't think she could live without him and she didn't want him to have to go through life without her. He was, thankfully, unharmed in the fire. Praise God.

I woke up this morning and my first thought was "what a horrible nightmare". Then I realized it wasn't a nightmare. At least not the kind you can wake up from. I have prayed over and over for her to live. She is so full of life. Her son needs her.

If you're reading this blog today, please stop and take a moment to pray for A. She is a very dear friend. She loves life, her son, her job, her family, her friends, her Lord. She is such a happy person, no matter what she's going through. She trusts God with all her might. She is a wonderful person. Please pray for her.

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