Saturday, December 25, 2010

It's finally here...

Today is the day I've been looking forward to for months. It's Reagan's first Christmas. She's 7 months old. I know that's much too young to understand Christmas or even be excited about it. But I can't help it. I'm excited. It's my firstborn's first Christmas ever. A day that I will never be able to get back. A moment in time that will stand still in my heart forever.'s a white Christmas. A rarity in Tennessee. We haven't had a white Christmas since president Reagan was in office. Seems fitting, doesn't it? I prayed for many miracles this year and I got all of them. The Lord blessed me with a child. And when my child stared death in the face, the Lord saved her with his blessed grace. Now that child has made it to seven months to see the first white Christmas since I was a child. That is a miracle to me. Everything has come together so perfectly to make this the best Christmas I can think of. I am so happy. Words can not express the love I feel in my heart right now for not only my family, but my Lord as well. Thank you, God for this day. It is truly a miracle. Merry Christmas.

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