Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Working moms do not rock...

Here I sit at work wondering what my princess is doing. Is she sleeping? Is she playing with Daddy? Is she fussy, hungry, missing Mommy? Does she wonder why I'm not there? Does she even notice? I hate being a working mom. Babies grow up much too quickly to have to miss any of it because of a job. But then again, could I afford to give her the life she has if I didn't have this job? No. So here I sit wishing I was home snuggled in close to my baby girl. Hating the theif that steals my time with her. Hoping that someday she will understand and not hate me for it. Praying that she doesn't think I'm a bad Mommy for leaving her.

I dread the day that Reagan begs me not to go to work. I know that day is coming. Every working mom experiences it. What do I do? How do I make her understand that I have to go to work? All she's going to know is that Mommy is leaving. I pray that God gives me strength on that day, because it will be a very hard day.

My dear cousin said it best to me earlier today. Reagan will grow up happy and well adjusted because she is so loved by so many people. "There are no people who are dysfunctional because they were loved too much." She's right. Even though I can't be there all the time, Reagan sure isn't lacking in the love department. Tim is crazy about her. I've never seen a better father in all my life. Her grandmother is the same way. She tries to see Reagan daily. If she doesn't get to see her, she always calls to check on her. Reagan is a blessed little girl to have so many people in her life who love her so much. God is looking down on my little punkin. He takes such good care of her 8)

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