Sunday, January 9, 2011


It's cold outside. Painfully, blistering cold. The kind of cold that makes your muscles hurt and makes you afraid to draw breath. I look at my sweet baby sleeping so soundly warm in her bed. I'm thankful beyond words that I have a warm home for my child. I think about the so many people who have no where to go. No where to turn. I always think of the homeless on cold days. I worry about how people are going to stay warm. My heart hurts when I think that it could easily be me and my family. No one is immue to being homeless. Sure, things are stable right now. But we have no idea what the future holds. I only pray that the Lord continues to bless us as He has so far.

Reagan looks so peaceful when she sleeps. Pink cheeks. Tummy rising and falling slowly with each breath. Roger (her bunny) tucked securely under one arm. I love her so very much. I had no idea my heart could hold so much love for one person. I always knew she would change my life, but I had no idea how much. I think of her every waking moment. I wake up several times a night to check if she's okay. Every decision I make has her at the brim of it. She is what drives me. She is my world.

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