Friday, January 28, 2011

Two New Teeth! {Y3W}

Somebody stop this train! My baby girl sprouted another tooth this week. This makes two in two weeks. I think I'm gonna be sick. I cried my eyes out when she got her first two teeth. It's the first sign of her growing up. Now she has two more. It seems as if she grows up over night. I go to work...Come home...She's heavier. She goes to Grandma's...Comes home...She's longer. I blink...Two more teeth. Ugh. It's so cliche. Everyone always says "oh they grow up so fast". Well, they do. When she was a tiny baby I wanted her to hurry and get bigger so we would know the extent of her disability. Now I desperately wish I had those months back. I think I shielded myself from bonding with her because of her disorder. At first all I could see was a handicapped child. A child that God had only loaned me and would call home before I was ready. Now that I know more about NKH I want to get that time back to bond like we should have. I love her more than life and I feel like I'm now starting to see past NKH and see the beautiful child that she is. The last few months have been much easier. I don't dwell on "that day" anymore. The day that she will leave me. In fact, I hardly think about it. Sometimes it creeps into my head. I just tell myself that I'm going to die long before her. She is going to live a happy life, no matter how long. That's what it's all about, isn't it? A life loving God and each other. A happy life. That's the life she will have. I promised God and her that I would do my best to be the best mother I could be and give her the best life possible and that's exactly what I'm going to do. find a way to keep her little...

1 comment:

  1. Aww, 2 more teeth?? Can Brynn have 1?? LOL! Yeah, they tend to all come at once {which makes it super fun for mommy and daddy!}
