Sunday, January 30, 2011

Is this what burnout feels like?

I've been a nurse for ten years. And for ten years I've heard seasoned nurses talk about "burnout". They say it's horrible. You hate your job. You no longer have compassion for your patients. You'd do anything to get away from nursing. I know some nurses who have burnout. They are miserable.

Well, here lately I hate going to work. I don't hate my job per se, just the politics of it. I also hate some of the attitudes I work with. Now I'm not naive enough to think that I can please everyone all the time. But I'd just be happy with making someone happy every once in a while. I work in a department that seems to be the red-headed step child of the hospital. Which means we are damned if we do and damned if we don't.

I still love delivering babies. I still have compassion for my patients (the ones who are really sick, anyway). I just think I'm starting to hate the place I work for. But then I'm told that it's no different anywhere else. I would like to find a place where no one takes advantage of anyone else. A place where no one judges anyone or talks trash about anyone. No back biting. No pissing contests. No jealousy, trying to one-up anyone, or just plain being rude. A place where everyone gets along and we all work toward one goal...the well being of our patients. It's hard to work toward that goal when there's so much high school bull shit going on! I graduated in 1999. Little did I know that high school never really ends.

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