Friday, January 21, 2011

Eight Months Old {Y3W}

Eight months ago today I was given the most wonderful blessing of my life. My beautiful princess. All 6lbs 1oz of her! It's so amazing to think that the last eight months have gone by so quickly. It seems like only yesterday that we were coming home from the hospital. She has made so much progress, most of it being in the last two months or so. She is finally starting to become more social and she finally shows real interest in her toys. Real interest meaning she plays with them, not just reaches for them. She has favorites and not so favorites. She knows what she likes and what she doesn't like. She's picky for sure.
We had a trip to the eye doctor yesterday. We spent more time parking the car than in the office. The doctor says that Reagan's vision is definitely better with her glasses, but seems unchanged over all. She is starting to have some slight drifting of one eye. We'll be keeping an eye on it and if it gets any worse we may have to do some patching. But Reagan's eyes are structurally healthy! Very, very good news.

So happy eight months, Punkin! It's been a wonderful, wild, joyful ride. I can't wait to see where you are in the next eight months. I love you!


  1. Happy 8 month Birthday to you Reagan! You are such a beautiful, very determined little girl! I am so very happy that you have been making so much progress. Hope that you had an awesome day celebrating with your family! We continue to keep you in our prayers!

  2. How our are babies 8 months already??? It's so crazy!

    She is too cute!!!
