Friday, January 14, 2011

Results Are In {Y3W}

Your Three Words is a blog hop started by Jenni from the blog in which you describe you week in only three words. So here are my three words for this week.

Results Are In

Reagan's EEG results were handed to us on paper yesterday. Occasional sharp wave activity with face reversal activity. Baseline brain wave activity was normal for a healthy 7 month old. So what this means is that Reagan is at an increased risk for seizures because of this sharp activity. We knew this. So essentially, this is not something to be worried about, but it is something to be aware of. She remains on Keppra, which seems to be working. So we will continue to follow the current plan and, barring any complications, we will have a follow up EEG in one year.

On a funnier note...Reagan bit the neurologist! Not hard. The doctor made the mistake of getting her hand within reach of Reagan's mouth and, since she's teething and biting anything she can get ahold of, Reagan just leaned right over and bit her! I had to try really hard not to laugh. Good job, girlie! I can't stand that doctor! LOL

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